Friday, October 22, 2010

Weekly Update

Hey, so..... Everyday is huge!!
I've been soooo busy this week. I feel like i'm constantly going going going, or doing a load of Homework reading.....
It's all good tho!

Week number 2 of the Purity Group with Shelly Gibbs. She is an incredible woman! I love listening to her speak. She is so passionate about life and seeing woman walk into their destiny! I have a feeling she will write at least one book in her lifetime..At Least!
This week we had 5 assignments due! Talk about a crazy weekend for all of us!!
I finished The Happy Intercessor Monday.... It's an incredible book! Please read it! It paints an amazing new perspective on intercessory prayer! Beni Johnson is wonderful. It's an easy-read too, which helps!

Tuesday was an important day for me, and my relationship with God. I was dealing with a lot of things that had been coming to the surface. Tuesday was a day of prayer for me. I prayed through so many things, and dedicated so much to god! I really feel like i broke through many needed things that day!
In the evening i had worship choir. I love being apart of a choir again! Our voices all sound incredible together!

Wednesday I met with my lovely intern Louise Watkins. She is so special! I learned so much from her.
Finally, our revival group met together again. all 64 of us! We had been split up for a couple weeks. It was good to see everyone and connect!

Yesterday we heard Danny Silk talk about Covenant. How the real test of covenant is after the marriage, or after the promise of friendship covenant. The test is when you are hurt, rejected, ignored, or lied to etc... Can you remain faithful, and keep your love??? Too many people have covenant relationships, then at the first test, they are up and out, instead of fighting for the relationship, and remaining true!
So many people should hear this message! It was so incredible!

Right after Danny, Chris Overstreet gave a message. We were all under the impression that he was going to speak on our Town Outreach....But, he gave us a whole new spin! Here are some of his quotes from yesterday: *95% of Christianity has to do with your heart. 5% Has to do with your gifting. (Saying that, too many people want to go out and heal the sick, yet they have sin in their heart, or impurity.)
*Do you have a prayer life? Everything is birthed out of the quiet place.
*God's love develops personal identity.
*Something happens in your prayer life when you know you are forgiven.
*If you are in fear, you are in sin.
*If we hang out with God, we become like God!
*Host the presence of God. Invite the Holy Spirit to rest upon you.
*You can grow in boldness and Faith! How does it grow? By you using it!

Today my last two assignments are due...then i work this weekend.... whew!

God bless all!

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